Outback Queensland Microsite Design

Outback Queensland Microsite Design Outback Queensland Microsite Design Outback Queensland Microsite Design

Outback Queensland Microsite Design


A year long campaign for Sunlover Holidays, Outback Queensland promotes accommodation & travel packages across Outback Queensland. This project required the designers to update the design and development of this campaign, with a focus on consumer journeys, making the campaign responsive and updating content to current deals.


Sunlover Holidays not being a responsive site, we implemented a responsive design for campaigns to increase traffic and sales to these campaigns. Each campaign required gathering of information and assets, including photography and any logos of tourism partners. From here we created high fidelity wire frames for marketers to sign off before moving into build and testing from our side and the marketers side. Once the campaign was fully tested we then made sure the campaign went live for the correct period of time.


Visual Design, Front-End Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Responsive), Testing

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